A smoothie bowl with fresh berries

Chronic Illness & Weight Loss Hub

Wellness and nutrition resources

Nutrition focuses on nourishment and  how individuals can use dietary choices to reduce the risk of chronic disease and improve overall health. Protein, fats, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals are all required for a balanced diet.  I have put together a few resources that I use in clinical practice.

Nutrition links

Eat For Health
Eat for Health provide the Australian Dietary Guidelines for healthy eating but also nutrition calculators to calculate your daily energy needs and nutrient requirements.

Nutrition Australia
Nutrition Australia aims to inspire healthy eating but also provide some great tips on healthy eating on a budget and storing food for freshness and longevity.

Nutrition books

Eat for Energy by Ari Whitten and Alex Leaf
Ari Whitten is a functional health practitioner and this book explores ways to beat fatigue and unlock all day energy.

Tenderheart by Hetty Lui McKinnon

Community by Hetty McKinnon